Your First Visit

What to Expect

The first step in determining if surgery is appropriate for you is to attend a consultation with Dr Ryan du Sart. A referral from your GP or a specialist is required.

For all enquiries and appointments please contact Dr du Sart’s team on (08) 9779 9767.

During the consultation Dr du Sart performs a comprehensive range of assessments and physical examination on the area of concern. It is important to wear loose, comfortable clothes to allow review of the problematic area.

You will meet other staff members and medical professionals that may be involved in your journey. You will also have a chance to ask any questions you may have, for example:

  • Is surgery an effective treatment for your condition?
  • Are you mentally and emotionally prepared to make lifelong lifestyle changes?
  • How is the surgery performed?
  • What are the associated risks and complications?
  • What extent of movement, pain or other outcomes you can expect. 
  • Life after surgery and postoperative care plan?

Preparing for Your First Visit

Please remember to bring the following to your appointment:

  • Records and patient forms (completed)
  • Insurance card or information
  • All prescriptions and over-the-counter medication you are currently taking
  • Any available reports, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans
  • A list of questions and concerns you may have

Dr du Sart is a No Gap provider with all major health funds.

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