Hip Pain

What is Hip and Groin Pain?

Hip pain, one of the common symptoms that patients complain of, may not always be felt precisely over the hip joint. Pain may be felt in and around the hip joint and the cause for pain is multifactorial.

The exact position of your hip pain suggests the probable cause or underlying condition causing pain. Pain felt inside the hip joint or your groin area is more likely arising form the hip.

Likewise, the pain felt on the outer side of your hip, upper thigh or buttocks may be a result of the problems of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and soft tissues surrounding the hip joint or from the lower back.

Causes of Hip and Groin Pain

The main cause of hip pain is arthritis. 

Other causes:
  • Bursitis
  • Low back pain
  • Osteonecrosis of the hip
  • Sprains or strains
  • Tendinitis resulting from repetitive use
  • Infection

Diagnosis of Hip and Groin Pain

Patients who suspect they have sustained a hip injury or are suffering from hip or groin pain should seek medical consultation. The diagnosis for the hip often includes:

Physical Examination

A doctor may evaluate the affected part of the hip to determine the presence of swelling, a limited range of motion, abrasions, bruising, or other common signs of a hip injury.

Throughout the process, your doctor is likely to inquire as to how the injury was sustained, the level of pain the athlete is in, and what symptoms have been identified.

Obtain a Full Medical History

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, medical history, any sports participation and activities that aggravate your condition.

Prior injury can elevate an athlete’s risk of sustaining an injury to the hip or groin. With this in mind, your doctor will likely evaluate the patient’s medical history in order to determine if a former condition has increased the likelihood of a given injury being present.

Medical Imaging

Once your doctor has completed the physical examination of the hip medical imaging such as an X-ray or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can help to form a final diagnosis.

A comprehensive evaluation of the hip allows Dr Ryan du Sart to eliminate various possibilities, arrive at a diagnosis, and recommend a treatment plan.

Treatments for Hip and Groin Pain

Treatment of Hip and Groin Pan can begin immediately after the injury is sustained. Common first-response treatments for Hip and Groin Pain may include:
  • Pain medication - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can relieve some pain or discomfort associated with the Hip and Groin Pain (ibuprofen or naproxen). If you have no contraindications.
  • To reduce the pain and swelling surrounding the injured area.
    • Rest the hip joint. Consider using cruthes to offload the painful joint.
    • Ice: Ice should be applied over a towel to the affected area for 15-20 minutes every two to three hours during the day. Never place ice directly over the skin.
Pausing athletic activity until the symptoms of the hip and groin have faded.

Prevention of Hip and Groin Pain

  • Gradually increase the intensity of your workout
  • If you have flat feet or other foot problems use shoe inserts
  • Avoid physical activities that may worsen the pain,
  • If you are overweight, you may need to control your weight to avoid overstressing your hips,
  • Stretching the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, 
  • performing warm-up exercises for 5 minutes before your exercise regimen
  • Wear proper fitting good quality running shoes with good shock absorption
However, the exact cause for the pain needs to be addressed.

If you have an injury with severe hip pain and swelling, talk to Dr Ryan du Sart immediately for better treatment outcomes.
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